U3A Bairnsdale is:
- part of a worldwide movement to provide lifelong learning and recreational facilities for persons over fifty.
- incorporated non-profit organisation under the auspices of Consumer Affairs Victoria and is a registered Charity.
- run entirely by volunteers
- a registered constitution or set of rules provides the framework for running the organisation.
- Members elect a committee of management as set out in the U3A Bairnsdale Constitution.
- A RESPECT community. The practices of our community include:
- Respect for self: – in the way we speak, participate, and present ourselves and our ideas.
- Respect for others: – in encouraging participation of others in activities and discussion, respecting their views and ideas
- Respecting the Environment: – as the facilities are leased and should be left clean and tidy and ready for the next class
- Respecting the opportunity to learn by sharing skills and knowledge and by allowing all to participate.
- Respecting Diversity